
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Biotechnology in Agriculture

Biotechnology in Agriculture

The period agriculture mentions to cultivation of plants, animals for nourishment, fuels, apparel, surgery and other goods which are absolutely vital for our dwelling. Conventional agriculture is performed in some ways by different persons round the globe. It is well renowned that farming goods have distinct value from place to place and some of the farming goods are not seen in some parts of the world, while they are abundant in the rest of the world. This difference is due to some factors encompassing climatic situation, climate, accessibility of water, mineral content in the dirt, and last but not smallest political and geographical components. Another component which commanded to the development of up to date agriculture is the need to increase yield of plant goods, disease, pest, drought resistance in plant goods.

Biotechnology has emerged from customary research to overcome the problems in every facet of life, from vegetation breeding to genetic engineering. Out of the huge submissions of Biotechnology, farming Biotechnology is one. It engages the development of plants in such a way that, plants produce high yields of goods such as kernels, vegetables, fruits, leaves (leafy vegetables) and they can tolerate farthest conditions such as high warmth, high salinity in water and high humidity in the air. Furthermore we can make plant goods as per our desires, and we can command the features like color, taste, odor and size of fruits and vegetables. All this is made possible by exploiting the properties of the miracle substances called DNA (De Oxy Ribose Nucleic Acid). Since the discovery of DNA, scientists have developed the solutions to overcome the problems in Agriculture, by modifying the genetic structure of the DNA.

The crops whose DNA has been changed are called "Transgenic Plants" or "Transgenic Crops", and the goods drawn from from these plants are called Genetically changed vegetation goods. So, how is this finished? All the dwelling beings, encompassing animals, plants, bacteria, fungi and microorganisms have DNA, which guides their development and the pathway to their survival. This DNA in turn is split up in "genes", which are specific for each and every feature and function of a dwelling organism. This means, if we modify the genes, we are actually modifying any specific characteristic' or 'function' of that organism or any part of that organism. The same standard is directed in farming Biotechnology as well. If we are looking to enhance the hue of the blossoms produced by a vegetation, we can alter the genetic structure of gene which is to blame for that hue. This method can be finished using any vegetation part, another demonstration would be expanding the sweetness of a crop, in this case we change the gene responsible for output of fructose. Fructose is a sugar which gives sweetness to fruits, in idea, if we change the gene to produce more fructose, and then the crop will become more sweet.

The foremost innovation in Agriculture was glimpsed, when the "Flavr Savr" tomatoes were presented into the US markets on May 21, 1994. This discovery commanded to the base for storing vegetables and fruits without a refrigerator for several days. An enzyme called Polyglacturonase is to blame to disintegrate the pectin of the cell-wall. A gene complimentary to the Polyglacturonase gene, can be cloned utilising antisense RNA technology. This antisense gene will impede the Polyglacturonase made by its gene and therefore stops the decaying of fruits and vegetables. As the cell wall decaying enzyme is made in very little amounts, the hold up in spoilage of fruits and vegetables is advanced. Now this revolutionary technology is utilised to save millions of dollars every year, by decreasing the wastage of fruits and vegetables during transport.

We have considered only a very couple of applications from the gigantic database of Biotechnological applications in Agriculture. While we have seen only the advantages of Biotechnology, at the same time everything in this world has its own pros and cons and Biotechnology is no exception for this. Non technical community has said much about the potential dangers of Biotechnology to us and our natural environment, but so far there is little clues from the technical investigations that the dangers are genuine. At the identical time we experience the variety of advantages suggested by transgenic plants, beyond the ones which appeared from customary farming practices.


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